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MSP Starwhals Registration

Levels and Cost

Name Age cutoff by date Cost
10U June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2015 $725
12U June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 $1150
15U June 1, 2008 to May 31, 2011 $1325

Who are the Starwhals?

The MSP Starwhals Hockey Club includes 10U, 12U and 15U girls from the Minneapolis Titans, Langford Park, and Edgcumbe hockey programs. Girls from Squirts level on up can choose either to play on the Minneapolis Titans co-ed team, or select to play all-girls hockey!

Scholarships are available!

Interested in a scholarship? Fantastic! We can help you with that. Each organization has their own scholarship opportunities available, and there are independent options available too!

The Black Girl Hockey Club subsidizes the costs of playing hockey for Black girls and women ages 9-18 years old. They have multiple scholarship levels. *Click here* for more information.